Tetiana Hainal
Associate Professor, PhD.
Born April 10, 1978 in Zacarpattia Region.
Education: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Faculty of Philosophy (2001).
Postgraduate education: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Department of Philosophy (2004).
PhD in philosophy: Ivan Franko Lviv National University (2005). Thesis: Unity of the gnoseological and the social-practical in the context of the humanistic human’s attitude to nature.
Research interests: Sociology of Family, Mass Information and Communication.
Teaching areas: Sociology of Family, Mass Communication and Information: Sociological Aspect, Philosophy in the system of Culture, Sociology for Humanitarians and Social Researchers, Academic Philosophy for Humanitarians and Technicians.
Professional Training: International Training (22.04.2023 – 28.05.2023) in Department of Polish-Ukrainian Studies of Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Individual Topic of the Training: Tools of Distorting Reality in the Media (Certificate SZFL-002404; 28.05.2023). 6 credits (180 hours).
Kuchera І., Hainal, Т., & Danyliak, R. Economic Policy of the Russian Occupation Administration in Eastern Halychyna (August 1914 – June 1915). History Pages. 2023. Vol.57. P.175–192. (in Ukrainian)
Tetiana Hainal, Rostyslav Danyliak, Iryna Kuchera. The Mechanisms of the Construction of Social Memory. Epistemological Studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences. 2022. Issue 1, Vol. 5. P. 18–25. (in Ukrainian)
Tetiana Hainal, Iryna Kuchera, Svitlana Bilous. The Post-Truth Era: the Factors of Appearance and Survival. Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology. 2022. №36. P. 15–20. (in Ukrainian)
Tetiana Hainal, Rostyslav Danyliak, Iryna Kuchera. The Effects of the Digitalization in Modern Society. Perspectives: Social-political journal. 2022. №2. P. 17–25. (in Ukrainian)
Rostyslav Danyliak, Tetiana Hainal, Iryna Kuchera. The Bases of the Typology of Social Memorialization Mechanisms. Grani: scientific and theoretical almanac. 2022. Vol. 25, №4. P. 24–29. (in Ukrainian)
Iryna Kuchera, Tetiana Hainal, Rostyslav Danyliak. The Influence of Moscofile Organization on the Activities of Russian Occupying Authorities in Eastern Galicia (1914 – 1915). Humanities Science Current Issues: Interuniversity collection of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University Young Scientists Research Papers. 2022. Issue 52, Vol. 2. P. 28–35. (in Ukrainian)
Iryna Kuchera, Tatiana Hainal, Rostislav Danyliak. Features of the Russian Administrative Administration in the Provisional Military Governor-General of Galicia (August 1914 – June 1915). Grani: scientific and theoretical almanac. 2022. Vol. 25, №3. 2022. P. 56–62. (in Ukrainian)
Iryna Kuchera, Tatiana Hainal, Rostislav Danyliak. Socio-economic Situation of the Inhabitants of Eastern Galicia During the Russian Occupation During the First World War (1914-1917). Grani: scientific and theoretical almanac. 2021. Vol 24, №12. P. 5–14. (in Ukrainian)
Tetiana Hainal. Image and movement in the philosophy of cinema by G.Deleuze. Visnyk Instytutu rozvytku dytyny. Seriia: Filosofiia, pedagogika, psykhologiia. 2013. Issue 28. P. 11–15. (in Ukrainian)
Tetiana Hainal. The factors of youth socialization in modern family. Grani. Naukovo-teoretychnyi i gromads’ko-politychnyi al’manakh. 2013. Issue 9 (101). P. 85–90. (in Ukrainian)
Tetiana Hainal. Approaches to definition of the culture in philosophy. Gileia: naukovyi visnyk. 2013. Issue 75. P. 391–393. (in Ukrainian)
Tetiana Hainal. The specifics of gender identity. Gileia: naukovyi visnyk. 2011. Issue 55 (12). P. 286–290. (in Ukrainian)
Popular science activities:
Hainal T. The reliability (or hopelessness) of critical thinking. Vseukraiinska naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia z mizhnarodnoiu uchastiu PROКИЇВ. P. 358–360. URL: https://ndirom.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/tezy.pdf (in Ukrainian).
Hainal T. Will Truth survive in the Post-Truth Era? Materialy zvitnoi naukovoi vebkonferentsii vykladachiv, doktorantiv, aspirantiv universytetu za 2023 rik Prykarpatskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Vasylia Stefanyka, 1–5 april 2024, Ivano-Frankivsk. Electronic edition. Ivano-Frankivsk: Prykarpatskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni Vasylia Stefanyka, 2024. P.107–108. (in Ukrainian).
Tetiana Hainal. Difficulties in the work of sociologist during the conducting of in-depth interview. Zbirnyk tsentru naukovykh publikatsii «Veles» za materialamy IV naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii 2 chastyna «Nauka i suchasnist’: vyklyky globalizatsii». Kyiv (2018). p. 85-89. (in Ukrainian)
Tetiana Hainal. Sociological classifications and typologies of tourists. Zbirnyk tsentru naukovykh publikatsii «Veles» za materialamy VI mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii 2 chastyna «Nauka yak rushijna antykryzova syla». Kyiv (2019). p. 75-78. (in Ukrainian)
Tetiana Hainal. Post-truth and fake in social reality. «Mizhdyscyplinarnyi dyskurs u doslidzhenni fenomenu sotsial’nogo»: zb. materialiv III mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi internet-konferentsii. Kyiv (2021). p. 192-194. (in Ukrainian)
Гайналь Т.О. (Без)надійність критичного мислення. Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція з міжнародною участю PROКИЇВ. С. 358–360. URL: tezy.pdf (ndirom.org) (дата звернення: 29.08.2024).
Гайналь Т.О. Чи виживе правда в епоху постправди? Матеріали звітної наукової вебконференції викладачів, докторантів, аспірантів університету за 2023 рік Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника, 1–5 квітня 2024 р., м. Івано-Франківськ. Електронне видання. Івано-Франківськ : Прикарпат. нац. ун-т ім. В. Стефаника, 2024.С. 107-108. http://surl.li/emphuy