Born May 21, 1980. Graduated from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (2002). During 2001-2004 studied at postgraduate level at the Department of Philosophy of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

The PhD dissertation was defended December 14, 2006 in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Theme: «Moral measuring of freedom» (scientific adviser – prof. Victoria Larionova).

Dissertation presents by itself research of the moralngo measuring of freedom. It is exposed and component freedoms are analysed as an integral system: transcendent, personality, situation. On the basis of research of system communication of components the structure of freedom is exposed, its classification and differentiation is carried out. Essence of moralngo maintenance of forms of display of freedom is found out and approaches are analysed to their comprehension in a philosophical mind.

In labour an attempt to systematize experience of comprehension of problem of freedom historical and philosophical is carried out, to find out its moral maintenance. Through the prism of ethics descriptions it is analysed and notion the freedom of moral self-determination of personality is designed.

The role of modern ethics theory is exposed in development of the diyalnisnogo aspect of creation of freedom, personified such ecistentsialami personalities how the choice and responsibility is. On the basis of the detailed study of actual material it is led to, that creative self-realization of personality takes place through the display of its freedom which has moral maintenance.

Courses: «Philosophy», «Ethics», «Philosophy of freedom», «History of Foreign Philosophy»

Research interests: ethics, fredom


Main publications:

Rokhman B. A problem of personality and its freedom in creation О.І. Gercena / B.Rokhman // Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu : zb. nauk. prats’. – Chernivtsi : Chernivetskyi nats. un-t, 2009. – Vyp. 466-467 : Filosofiya. – S. 61-65.

 Rokhman B. Self-realization as display of internal freedom of man./ B.Rokhman // Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu : zb. nauk. prats’. – Chernivtsi : Chernivetskyi nats. un-t, 2009. – Vyp. 466-467 : Filosofiya. – S. 169-173

 Rokhman B. Freedomcreation as the greatest value of human spirit. / B.Rokhman // Hileya : naukovyi visnyk. – 2009. – Vyp. 28. – S. 167-172.

 Rokhman B. Historical evolution to the phenomenon of friendship / B.Rokhman // An urgent philosophical and culturological problems of modernity. – Kyiv, 2009. – P. 96 – 100.

Rokhman B. Happiness as ethics category / B.Rokhman // Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu : zb. nauk. prats’. – Chernivtsi : Chernivetskyi nats. un-t, 2010. – Vyp. 534-535 : Filosofiya. – S. 162-166

 Rokhman B. Philosophical anthropology as priority direction development in humanitarianknowledge in Ukraine / B.Rokhman // Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu : zb. nauk. prats’. – Chernivtsi : Chernivetskyi nats. un-t, 2011. – Vyp. 563-564 : Filosofiya. – S. 168-173

 Rokhman B. Existenting of freedom as the absolute through prism M. O. Berdyaev’s philosophy. / B.Rokhman // The Precarpathian University Journal. Philosophy and psychology. – Ivano-Frankivsk: VDV CIT, 2012. – №16. – P. 151- 158.

Rokhman B. Freedomcreation as the greatest value of human spirit / B.Rokhman //

 Rokhman B. Phenomenon of freedom as an essential basis moral formation of man / B.Rokhman // The Precarpathian University Journal. Philosophy and psychology. – Ivano-Frankivsk: VDV CIT, 2015. – №19. – P. 71- 77.