Born on November, 26th, 1954 in Ivano-Frankivsk.

In 1978 she graduated from Vasyl Stefanyk Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute in specialty “History and Pedagogy”. In 1985-1988 she did postgraduate study in O. Gertsen Leningrad Pedagogical Institute (the department of Religious Studies and Culturology). In 1994–1997 she did her doctoral study in T. Shevchenko Kyiv National University (the Department of Ethics, Aesthetics and Culturology).

PhD thesis: “Religion as a Factor of the Youth’s Spiritual Needs Upbringing” (1988).

Doctoral thesis: “Ethics of Absolute in Russian Philosophy of Intuitivism (М.О. Lossky and S.L. Frank)” (1997).

Since 1979 she has been working in Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University; since 1997 – as a professor of Philosophy and Sociology Department.

Since 2002 V. Larionova has been the Head of Philosophy and Sociology Department. She is a successful supervisor of postgraduates in specialty 09.00.07 – Ethics. 10 PhD theses have been defended under her supervision.

In 1998-2006 – was the member of Specialized Academic Council in Philosophy and Psychology of Law in Kyiv National Academy of Internal Afairs, the member of Specialized Academic Council in specialty “Ethics and Aesthetics” in T. Shevchenko Kyiv National University. At present she is the member of Specialized Academic Council in specialties: 26.00.01 – Theory and History of Culture and 17.00.06 – Decorative and Applied Art in Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Besides, she’s the member of Specialized Academic Council in specialty 12.00.12 – Philosophy of Law in National Academy of Internal Affairs (Kyiv).

Educational-methodical textbooks: “Ethics and History of Ethical Studies”, “Philosophy of Religion”, “History of National (Ethnic) Religions”, “Phenomenology of Religion”, “History of Russian Philosophy”.

Sphere of scientific interests: ethics, philosophy of religion, history of Russian religious philosophy.

  1. Larionova V.K. Etyka absolyutu S.L. Franka: monorafiya / V.K. Larionova. – К. : VIPOL, 1996. – 100 s.
  2. Larionova V.K. Etychni teoriyi rosiyskoho intuyityvizmu (M.O. Losskoho, S.L. Franka): monohrafiya / V.K. Larionova . – К. : VIPOL, 1997. – 186 s.
  3. Larionova V.K. Ilyin: Filosofiya dukhovnoho opyta: monografiya / V.K. Larionova. – Zabryuken : LAP LAMBERT Akademik Publishing, 2014. – 243 s.
  4. Larionova V.K. Filosofiya relihiyi: posib. / V.K. Larionova. – Ivano-Frankivsk : Vyd-vo «Hostynets», 2004. – 148 s.
  5. Larionova V.K. Istoriya etychnykh uchen’: posib. / V.K. Larionova. – Ivano-Frankivsk : Vyd-vo «Hostynets», 2004. – 192 s.
  6. Larionova V.K. Istoriya natsionalnykh (etnichnykh) relihii: navch. posib. / V.K. Larionova. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2010. – 388 s.
  7. Larionova V.K. Fenomenolohiya relihiyi: ucheb. posob. dlya stud. spets. “relihiovedeniye” / V.K. Larionova. – Ivano-Frankivsk : Symfoniya forte, 2010. – 128 s.
  8. Larionova V.K. Formuvannya morali hromadyanskosti: sotsialni ta indyvidualni modeli / V.K. Larionova // Problemy formuvannya hromadyanskoyi dumky v suchasnii Ukrayini : materialy dopovidei ta vystupiv Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf., 14 lystopada 2014 roku. – К., 2014. – S. 10–14.