Scientific degree, rank, position: Associate Professor, Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine.

1. Ivano – Frankivsk Pedagogical Institute named after V. Stefanik, Faculty of Pedagogy and methodology of primary education, 1967 – 1971
2. Ivano – Frankivsk Pedagogical Institute named after V. Stefanik, Faculty of History, 1980 – 1983
Main courses are instructor reads: Ukrainian and foreign culture, cultural studies, history of Ukrainian culture.
Public order: Deputy dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Philosophy.

• Larionov V., L. Borisevich spyamovanist Anthropological philosophy of neo-Thomism / / Ukraine and Vatican. Series technologies. – Vol. And Ukrainian .:-Vatican relations in the context of social and interfaith problems / Pod Society. Ed. PhD. A.Kolodnoho, Doctor of History O.Reyenta, PhD. P.Yarotskoho, PhD. L.Fylypovych, PhD. S.Kyyaka. – Ivano-Frankivsk – Kyiv, 2008. – P. 412-418.
• Larionov V., Borisevich L.Kulturna individual identity / / art. – № 9. – 2008. – S.
• Borisevich LV, Nightingale AM Training and guidance on the course “Cultural Studies”. – Ivano-Frankivsk: Publisher Marhitych OI, 2008. – 56 p.
• Koval NI, Larionov V., L. Borisevich Townspeople church Galicia-Volyn Rus / I. Smith, V. Larionov, L. Borisevich / / Galician Metropolis in the history of European Christianity. Proceedings of international scientific conference (Galich, 14 May 2009). – Galich: Ancient Galich, 2009. – P. 148-158.
• Borisevich L. Phenomenon in Scientific Research and J. A. Sheptytsky Blind / L. Borisevich // Abrahamic religions in Ukraine: history, ethnocultural offs, interfaith relations: Materials Conference (Galich, 25 May 2013). – Galich: Ancient Galich, 2013. – P. 118-126.
• Borisevich L. Folk wisdom as a spiritual phenomenon / L. Borisevich // Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac: a collection of science. Pratzen. / Head. Ed. VV Lyakh. – Vyp.2 (120). – K., 2013. – P. 103-110.
• Borisevich L., Fihlevskyy M.Elementy Hutsul sacral architecture in temple building Ukrainian diaspora / Borisevich L., M. Fihlevskyy // Carpathians: man, ethnicity, civilization. – 2012. – Vyp..4. – P. 242-247.
• L. Borisevich Society and Culture: the ratio of concepts in the postmodern discourse / L. Borisevich // Gilea: Scientific Journal. – 2013. – Vol. 74. – P. 296-307.
• Borisevich L.V. The impact of anthropocentric humanism Shevchenko in the process of establishing a national identity / L. Borisevich // Gilea: Scientific Journal. – 2013. – Vol. 78 – S. 199 – 206
• Borisevich L. Bishop Cosmas Galician contribution to the establishment of the Universal Church in Ukraine in the XII century / Ivan Koval, L. Borisevich A. Nightingale // Ukrainian religious studies. – 2013. – № 67. – P. 124-130.
• Borisevich L., M. Fihlevskyy hutsul sacral architecture in temple building Ukrainian diaspora / L.Borysevych, M. Fihlevskyy // world as a factor strengthening the state of Ukraine in the international community “to my countrymen in Ukraine and not in Ukraine”: Coll. Materials Fourth International Scientific Conference (within the IV International Congress of the World Ukrainians). – Lviv: publishing house Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2013. – S. 389 – 392.
• Borisevich LV Lectures on the history of Ukrainian culture / Ed. prof. Kyyak. / L. Borisevich – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2013. – 140 p.
• Nightingale AM, LV Borisevich Theory of Culture in tests / Ed. SR Kyyak / AM Nightingale, L. Borisevich – Ivano-Frankivsk: PP Marhitych OI, 2013. – 58 p.