Scientific degree, rank, position: Ph.D., associate professor of religious studies, theology and cultural studies.

Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute. Stefanik (1983).
Theme of dissertation: “Religious and moral education in Ukrainian schools in Eastern Galicia late XIX – early XX century.” (2003)
Main courses are instructor reads: Modern non-traditional religions and cults, religious art, Methods of teaching Christian ethics, religious ethics, methodological and theoretical problems of religious studies, history of Catholicism, Religion.
Public order: akademnastavnyk, head of teaching practice (since 2014).

Henyk LY religious and moral education in schools in Eastern Galicia late nineteenth and early twentieth century. – Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, 2000. – 272s.
Marian L. Henyk in Ukraine // Mother School. – 2001. – №10.
Henyk LY educational significance of the Decalogue (ten commandments of God) // Mother School. – 2002. – №11-12.
Henyk LA Metropolitan Andriy in the struggle for Ukrainian university in Lviv in the early twentieth century // Mother School. – 2003. – №3.
Henyk LY Using people’s religious traditions of winter holidays in modern pedagogical process // Mother School. – 2003. – №6.
Henyk LY The problem of introducing and teaching the course “Religion” in schools Ukraine / Love Henyk [Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Research Center “Pedagogy and psychology of higher school” Institute of Higher Education APN Ukraine and Vasyl Stefanyk Subcarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk Theological Institute of the UOC-KP] // Formation religious culture of children and youth: problems and prospects. Conference materials. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2007. – S.192-204.
Henyk Apostolic L. role in shaping the identity of Christianity Cyril and Methodius tradition / Love Henyk // Ukraine and Vatican. Series technologies. – Vol. And Ukrainian .:-Vatican relations in the context of social and interfaith problems / Pod Society. Ed. d. Philosophy. n. A. Kolodne, d. Ist. n. A. Reient, d. Philosophy. n. P. Yarotskiy, d. Philosophy. n. L. Filipovic, d. Philosophy. n. C. Kyyak. – Ivano-Frankivsk – Kyiv, 2008. – P. 257-269.
Henyk LY problems Templars and their ideals in the context of a united Europe // UKRAINE – Vatican: tserkoveni Public Relations in the context of the experience of a united Europe. Materials of international conference. Galicia, 26-28 May 2011 in 2 notebooks. 2nd notebooks. – Galich: INFORMATION PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT NATIONAL RESERVE “DAVINIY Galich”, 2011. – S.75-97.
I Henyk L. History of Christianity: Catholicism / LY Henyk – T. 1 .: The basic ideas of Christianity. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2011. – p.
Henyk LY History of Religions. Training complex: program, bibliography, educational guidance, examination and tests tasks CDF, tests for students of the Faculty of Philosophy in “Religion” and students of university historians and theologians. – Ivano-Frankivsk: SHEI “Vasyl Stefanyk Subcarpathian National University”, 2011. – 480p.
Henyk LY History of Christianity: A History of Christianity to split in 1054. History of Catholicism. History Oriental (eastern) and Orthodox (Orthodox) Churches. The history of Protestantism. Training and guidance for students. Type of third, fulfill. and be refurbished. – Ivano-Frankivsk: SHEI “Vasyl Stefanyk Subcarpathian National University”, 2011. – 320p.
Henyk LY History of Christianity: Catholic. T. 1: The basic ideas of Christianity: .Navch. guidances for students. Kind. 2nd ext. – Ivano-Frankivsk: Tipovit, 2012. – 576 p.
I Henyk L. concept Tripoli culture in the works of native Galicia historian Ivan Berezovsky // Kuzich-Sacral Tripoli world. Scientific and Practical Conference. Ivano-Frankivsk, 29-30 March 2012.
Henyk LY activity of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky in Galicia during WWII // Carpathians: man, ethnicity, civilization [Scientific journal on Carpathian]. – Ivano-Frankivsk. – 2012. – №4.- S.129-138.
Henyk LY BIBLE – a monument of world culture. The program is for students philosophical, historical, philological faculties of universities and religious institutions of higher learning for students of postgraduate education institutes and teachers of theology and teachers of Christian ethics, literature, philosophy, ethics and religious Plans seminars, independent work of students, bibliography, tests. – Kind. Third, ext. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2013. – 90C.
Henyk L. phenomenon of the Second Vatican Council and its influence on Ukrainian Catholic monastic religious // [Bulletin of the Ukrainian Association of Religious Studies and the Institute of Philosophy Skovoroda NAS of Ukraine]. – 2013. – № 66. – S.337-346.
Henyk LY Option B. Bilavycha: A. Makarenko’s ideas in market conditions // Origins pedagogical skills. Collected articles / Poltava National Pedagogical University named after VG Korolenko. – Poltava, 2013. – P. 41-45.
Henyk LY The problem of legal protection of rights of Ukrainian petty gentry in Ukraine and abroad // United Croatia – History Ukrainian and Croats. Materials science konferentsiyi.- Ivano-Frankivsk: Education-Svitovyd, 2013.- S.48-77.

Henyk LY religious art. Ch.I Religious art, architecture, sculpture, music, painting; CH.II: Religious music, theater, cinema. CH.III: Philosophy of art. Programs, plans of seminars, bibliography, independent work of students, tests for students of universities and theological institutions of higher education, students of postgraduate education institutions, teachers, religious studies, art, music, history, priests. Type the third be refurbished. and fulfill. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2013. – 81s.
Kyyak SR, Henyk LY religious world of Taras Shevchenko: Christian spiritual and ideological dominance / Sviatoslav Kyyak Love Henyk // Carpathian Gazette NTSh Word. – 2013. – №2 (22). – S.250-270.
Henyk LY, Yakovyshyn VM interfaith understanding the roots of the Khazars, Karaites and Slavs in the lands of Kievan ukrayinskyyh and Galicia-Volyn state / Love Henyk, Basil Yakovyshyn // Carpathians: man, ethnicity, civilization [Scientific journal the problems of Carpathian]. – Ivano-Frankivsk. – 2014. – №5. – S.187-201.
Henyk LY Saint Charbel – Lebanese miracle worker and evangelist Eastern Christianity Maronite tradition in the Catholic Church // Good Shepherd. Theology. 2014 – Vol. 5. – S.150-167.
Henyk, Love. Ideas ecumenism in practice Kalkuttskoyi Mother Teresa and brother Roger UKRAINE // Vatican. Series technologies. ISSUE VI. Problems of modern ecumenism in Ukraine in the context of “Decree on Ecumenism (21.11. 1964)” the Second Vatican Council / Pod Society. Ed. d.filos. n., d. bohosl. (theological). Sci. SR Kyyak. – Ivano-Frankivsk: PP Marhitych OI, 2014. – S.346-359.
Henyk LY Ivan Franko and hodachkova gentry Birch / Love Henyk // Carpathian NTSh Gazette. Word. – 2014.- № 2 (26). – WITH.
Henyk LY Serednoberezivska high school – the center of the educational work of the individual student formation in the highlands // Mountain School of Ukrainian Carpathians. – 2015. – №12. – WITH.